Yes, you read that right on the home page…we are in Bozeman, MT right now…and not the East coast. For some time now, we’ve been trying to decide whether or not we wanted to continue traveling full-time or settle down for a bit. Settling down won. And like so many of you know, we left our hearts in Bozeman…so what better place to go back to?
I know, I know…it’s a little cooler up here than Texas, but we like it.
We arrived on Friday afternoon and pulled into our new site, which is on private land about 7 miles from Bozeman. One of the local campgrounds that was closing for the season recommended we contact the owner, who had a few spots open for the winter. It’s the perfect set up for us…and there are mountain views on all sides. In fact, as I type this, I’m watching the sun glisten off of the Spanish Peaks. We’re on the same road that runs into Yellowstone…just 90 miles north!
But what about the TOUR!? Well, after a year and a half of full time nomadic living, we’re ready to have a mailbox again. We’re not going to say we won’t travel anymore…because that’s been deeply rooted in our hearts after this experience. We’re just taking a rest to re-connect, get involved with our church, and spend time with friends who we don’t have to drive away from every couple of days. Matt’s sister Mindy and her husband, Ryan, also live here, as you may recall…and she is due with their first baby in January. We’re excited to be here for that! Some of our best friends are here too…James, Deea, Cassia, Minda, and Tofer…yes, I’m talkin’ bout YOU! Check out some of Deea’s gorgeous photos of Bozeman here.
We’ve always said that even after seeing the entire country, we would still go back to Bozeman, and that’s exactly what we did. We’re headed into town today to remind ourselves why we love it so much We’re going:
*To the thrift stores
*To drink our favorite coffee at Rockford
*To eat our favorite soup in the whole world…at The Garage
*To shop at the best coop around…isn’t it great?
*To enjoy the mountain views
And of course, we’re looking forward to the SNOW!! Matt is already looking for little skis and a snowboard for Bella. He’s been wanting to teach her from the moment she was born. Matt LOVES to snowboard and has really been missing it since we left, so he’ll be on the slopes whenever he has the chance.
I will be back to blogging a bit more as well…catching up with where this blog left off out in California! I have so many fun photos and stories I want to share…life has just been a whirlwind! There are a few new pics up in my Flickr sets of our time in Iowa this summer. Mostly of Bella and her best friend, Bianca. And if you haven’t seen the photographer’s pics from my sister’s wedding…check those out here! She was a beautiful bride.
That’s all for now…more to come soon!
I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that you changed your minds just a bit (again)
Love you friend…glad you get the best of both worlds for awhile.
Comment by Kristin — October 18, 2008 @ 9:33 am
Yay Sara. Now that you’re settled for a bit, we should visit YOU!! =)
Comment by Andrea — October 18, 2008 @ 11:56 am
I still can’t believe I didn’t dream last night! You are really here – for the whole winter!! (and maybe longer!!) Do you know how much more enjoyable life is when you are around?
I feel abundantly blessed this morning!
Off for a photoshoot at 4 with the Moores, so I’ll catch up with you tomorrow!
Comment by Deea — October 18, 2008 @ 11:57 am
I have to say that you are bringing back memories for me! I lived around Bozeman and the Big Sky area for a summer. I remember a place in big sky that served Huckleberry pancakes that I loved! Of course that was before I realized I should be eating gluten free!
It such a beautiful area. I am sure you will enjoy making residence for awhile. I am also sure it was a hard decision. How do you heat the rv?
Also the wedding photos are LOVELY and you looked very beautiful as well!
Comment by sara — October 18, 2008 @ 2:17 pm
Looks life is settling down for you. Are you planning on finding a place and selling the RV??? Are you going to homeschool Bella or will she go to school? Do you plan on working? I hope life finds it adventures for you wherever you go. I have certainly enjoyed your blog.
Comment by Heather — October 18, 2008 @ 3:17 pm
I think it’s wonderful for you to settle for a bit…as much as I have always loved traveling, the soul seems to love some sameness and predictability and roots at times. Have fun reconnecting with your community there and best hugs and wishes to Matt’s sister with her new little one!!!
Comment by Aimee — October 18, 2008 @ 4:54 pm
I have been reading your blog off and on for a couple of months. The first time I read you had just drove through the UND campus, and that is where I live! I am from MT though, Polson actually. I love Bozeman and would love a chance to live there!! I am very thankful for all that you do, you are an inspiration to me!!
Have a great time in Bozeman, I am very happy for you!!
Comment by Melissa — October 18, 2008 @ 6:05 pm
Oh you guys, that’s great. It’s good to be around family for a while, I’m sure missing mine, even if they are in stinky L.A. and not someplace cool like Bozeman.
There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind. Don’t you just feel so fortunate to have the ability to do that? Options. That’s what this lifestyle gives you. That’s the best part of it.
Good luck guys. We’ll see you again, I just know it.
P.S. your sis’ wedding photos are AMAZING!
Comment by Rene — October 18, 2008 @ 9:21 pm
I’m bummed I won’t be bumping into you next week at the Farmers Market but I’m so happy that you’ve decided to rest for a bit in a place so dear to both of you- especially with a new baby joining the family! Is this Bella’s first cousin??
Comment by jelloflinger — October 18, 2008 @ 11:24 pm
Oh, I am so jealous (in a good way)! We left our hearts in Bozeman too. When dh is out of the AF in 9 years, we want to retire there. The co-op is the BEST! We also love the pottery shop/bakery as you head south on the Gal., just past the KOA. Enjoy your time settling down for a bit!
Comment by Kathi — October 19, 2008 @ 11:31 am
Well it feels right that you guys are settling down for now—and what a place to do so.
Love that you go with what feels right in the moment.
Enjoy being in one place—and take off whenever you feel –to then return back–mmmmm the good life
blessings Carrie
Comment by carrie roy — October 19, 2008 @ 10:13 pm
Welcome home to Bozeman! I haven’t been to Montana in years, but I remember loving Bozeman. Enjoy your soup, coffee, thrifting, and snow, and we’ll enjoy hearing more blogging from you!
Comment by Grace — October 20, 2008 @ 9:20 am
How wonderful to be home again! My husband’s grandfather lives in Montana, about 2 hours from where you are, and we are talking about taking the trip out west in the spring. We just bought a pop-up and are going to be redoing the inside some… Glad you are happy and glad to have found your blog!
Comment by Erica — October 20, 2008 @ 1:43 pm
Ah Bozeman! Yes. I love it there too. I spent a summer working for Gallatin National Forest as a Field Geologist, and loved it so much that I just stayed and worked at the Community Co-op. Well it is the best Co-op…and I was fullfilling a dream by working there too. Bozeman grabs your heart for sure. I live in San Francisco and now have the ‘real job’. Lets just say, San Francisco isn’t that bad either.
So funny, cause I am from Iowa. Still kind of an Iowa Girl, but I like living out West.
Comment by Katherine — October 21, 2008 @ 8:06 am
hi there! we had corresponded a while back- my husband’s the one with the skateboard ministry (middleman). i am so happy to find you again! i love reading about the adventure your family is on. it is great that you all are taking the time to hang- bozeman looks incredible! like a little austin (about 10 years ago) nestled in the mountains! perfect!
Comment by mandi — October 21, 2008 @ 8:14 pm
enjoy Bozeman and the much needed rest..the wedding pictures were absolutely stunning! Loved your family traditional “crazy” group picture…what a fun family
Comment by Brantlee — October 22, 2008 @ 7:21 pm
First off LOVE to read of other rving homeschooling families. We too decided this route this past summer after a series of events in our lives not only this year but in the past few. Anyhow my husband is looking at being transferred an the KOA is a bit out there for pricing can you suggest the place you are staying? Once the season starts up again it isn’t as hard to find places but in MT it is getting thru the winter. We are in Helena currently in a year round rv park. We have a 29ft 5th wheel with one slideout so if that is of any help. Anyhow just found your blog tonight via another blog so thought it was worth a shot in contacting you. off to read more.
Comment by Renee — October 26, 2008 @ 9:57 pm
Saw the article in the NYT. My husband and I full timed in a converted bus for a year and are now planning to sell our house to do so indefinitely. We’ve been very interested in biodiesel (already have solar panels on our roof), so will be following you with interest.
Comment by Doreen Orion aka Queen of the Road — November 15, 2008 @ 4:31 pm