Shawn and I met in Akron, Iowa when I was…well…young. I can’t even remember how long it’s been. I think we’ve probably known each other for over 20 years. Scary. Our families lived across the street from each other…and when we moved to Waverly, Iowa, Shawn’s family moved there too. Our lives and families have been intertwined for as long as my memory goes back. We even went to prom together…as friends
We have always kept in touch…but he’s been all over the world since he and Erin got married, and we have rarely been able to see each other. So when the opportunity came up to spend Thanksgiving with them…we jumped at it.
Shawn and Erin have a cute little house just outside of Nashville in a town called Murfreesboro. He is currently the manager of a Starbucks there during the day…and at night he morphs into a rock star. Shawn Fin and The Flipping Birds. Check him out. Erin in a fine arts professor at Middle Tennessee State University. She was particularly glad to see us pull up…she was hiring Matt to build a wall in their garage to complete her art studio. They did indeed complete the wall…I’ve never seen Erin so happy
We had such a fantastic, leisurely time with them…Shawn made “authentic” Starbucks caramel lattes for us whenever our little hearts desired and Erin and I cooked up a storm Potato Corn Chowder, Tofu Tacos, Fresh Spring Rolls (yum!). Kelli, Erin’s sister came over on Thanksgiving to spend the day with us. I had met her many years ago in Iowa, so it was great to see her again. The weather was so beautiful…and Bella loved being outside with Athena the Dog and swinging on the tire swing.
Matt and Shawn (and Bella) had fun playing in the music room. Shawn has a recording studio in his house…complete with a sweet harmonizing machine that automatically harmonizes with you when you sing into the microphone. It was crazy! Bella was pretty delighted with this little contraption and spend many hours in their singing with her daddy.
Erin is pregnant with their first child so we had fun talking about all things birth and baby. We are so excited for them to reproduce…what fun to have a little mixture of them running around. It was such a blessing to have all that time to spend with them…it’s been so long. Reunions are great!
Photo album here.
I had the best time with Bella! It was very good to see you all.
I haven’t been able to stop reading your blog since you left! You’re an inspiration!
Comment by Kelli — December 7, 2007 @ 3:44 pm
YAY! So fun to see pics of Shawn and Erin, congrats on the pregnancy!
Comment by Heth — December 11, 2007 @ 9:50 pm
Hey Sara,
It’s Lee (Bluezfire from Dreaded Together). How cool that you were in the neighborhood. I feel so bad that I missed you, though. Murfreesboro is only 60 miles from where I am and I could have so easily made the trip to meet with you for some coffee or something. So glad you had a good time visiting and maybe I’ll catch you some other time.
Be safe.
Comment by Lee — December 13, 2007 @ 11:16 am