Kennebunkport Beach, Maine

We made it! We made it! To the ocean, that is :) I have only seen the ocean once in my life, for a brief moment. Matt has seen it, but not since he was much younger, and it’s Bella’s very first time. We drove from Brattleboro and made it to Kennebunkport Beach just at sunset. We could have stopped at any of the beaches on the way to Portland, but we liked saying “Kennebunkport”. It has a nice sound to it…all of the cities in the Northeast have the greatest names!

We pulled into town, followed the GPS…and watched excitedly as this big blue mass came closer and closer on the screen. As we turned the corner to the beach, we saw the huge expanse of water open up before us. We were so excited. We parked the RV and got out. Bella ran directly to the playground, barely noticing anything else…and I grabbed my camera and ran for the water. I just barely got the photos snapped before it was too dark. We played in the sand and watched other people walking and playing in the water. It was REALLY cold that night…we were frozen by the time we were done. When it was too dark to see much of anything…we walked back to the camper and made supper in our “beach house”…and then headed north to Portland for the night.

The most wonderful thing was the SOUND of the waves as they crashed on the shore. It’s such a consistent, calming sound. We can’t wait to see more of it…such a treat!

Photo album here.

1 Comment »

  1. We love the beach. I feel most at peace when I’m standing in front of the ocean listening to the waves crashing. God is amazing!

    Comment by Erica — October 23, 2007 @ 11:28 am

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