Last weekend’s iRenew Energy Expo was delightful. The weather was amazing and we had a really fun time talking to people…both young and old! The couple in the above photo found relief from the sun under our awning…they hung out for quite awhile, chatting with Bella and telling us stories.
The expo ran for two days, and featured all kinds of renewable energy…alternative fuels, solar, wind, tricked out bikes, hybrids, and more. When we arrived, we parked and walked over to the main tent where we enjoyed a delicious meal catered by New Pioneer Coop. During our meal we talked with Scott and Rebecca, the founders and owners of Northern Sun, and also Richard, who was on the original editorial staff of Mother Earth News “back in the day”. We continued to meet interesting people all weekend.
- The old guy with the solar and wind powered RV who also happens to have a PhD in Theology. Preach on brother!
- The gal with sweet dreads who is building a straw bale house and does vegetarian/vegan catering.
- The high school kids who built a little electric car.
- All of the people from Fairfield! There were so many people telling us to come there on our tour, that we added it to the route. We’re looking forward to checking this gem of a town, named by Mother Earth News as one of “12 Great Places You’ve Never Heard Of…”
We really enjoyed meeting David and Eileen Wetzel, from Decatur, IL. They drive a little VW Rabbit that runs on veggie oil. You wouldn’t guess it by looking at them, but they’re quite the criminals They got into a little scuffle with the IRS in Illinois over taxation issues and veggie oil. You can read more about it here. Luckily, it’s being overturned and it’s all working out in their favor…but they have some great stories! We enjoyed hanging out with them throughout the weekend and hope to meet up on the road sometime! (*if you want to read more about veggie oil taxation issues in general, check out the FAQ section and read Charlie Anderson’s response).
There were many, many workshops all weekend. We were so busy talking with people about the RV and car that we didn’t have time to make it to any…but maybe next year! We were also interviewed for a couple newspapers, a radio station, and a TV spot. Of course, we can’t track down any of them…but I’m working on it
Here are a few other things worth checking out:
- Big Green Summer: This sounds like SO MUCH FUN. I would love to go through this program someday.
- B.S. in Sustainable Living at Maharishi University: The first college in the U.S. to serve only organic and vegetarian food in their dining hall!
- Sustainable Ecological Economic Development – Iowa: This conference which will be held on Oct. 26-28 has tons of great speakers! Wish we would be around.
More photos of the Expo here.
**Photo note: You can see our temporary banner on the side of the RV in the above photo…we are back in Minnesota this week finishing the vinyl wrap and will post photos soon!
Do you guys ever get sick of hearing that YOU ROCK?! Really, I am in awe of all that you are doing. I love the Twain quote. You inspire us to truly LIVE. Rock on, Mama.
Comment by Leah — September 13, 2007 @ 4:35 am
Love the shirts, little mama! Maybe I’ll get to see you this weekend…it’d be so fun! km
Comment by Kristin — September 13, 2007 @ 8:27 am
Looks like everything is coming together amazingly! Can’t wait to see the final wrap for the RV. The shirts and signage look great. HH
Comment by 2hcreative — September 13, 2007 @ 9:04 am
Thanks Haley! Yes…it is all coming together. We’re exciting to be hitting the road soon…
Comment by livelightly — September 13, 2007 @ 9:05 am
Thank you so much for the email and the pictures.
Just wish you all good things as you travel on.
We plan to be at the Missouri show Sept. 22-23
Hope we will see you again.
You take care of each other and enjoy love and happiness as you travel through life. Love to Bella, such a beautiful little doll.
Comment by Eileen — September 13, 2007 @ 12:49 pm
You are guys are just fantastic …. I love reading your blog and seeing where you’re at. And as for senior citzens, I so enjoy the stories and tales they have to share. My nana passed away earlier this year, and it’s the stories she shared about her life and the way things were, that I miss the most. Anyway, I check your blog often and eagerly look forward to future installments. Just think what amazing family tales you will all have to share and retale in the future. Take care, Jacinta (Dunedin, New Zealand)
Comment by Jacinta — September 13, 2007 @ 1:18 pm
I never would’ve guessed that you’d find people from Decatur at a renewable energy expo. Huh, go figure. Guess I should give my people more credit, LOL.
Comment by Jennifer — September 13, 2007 @ 7:08 pm
Salon has an expo like this. So cool! I spent a wonderful afternoon there one year on RAGBRAI. They put on a heck of a welcome….as all the towns do.
Comment by maria — September 13, 2007 @ 7:49 pm
This expo was located in Solon, IA…
Comment by livelightly — September 13, 2007 @ 7:50 pm
Hey Sarah, Jim and I used to have a large format printing business and we did a ton of vehicle graphics — we would’ve totally helped you out with graphics for the rig! Very smart of you to get a wrap — you’ll get a TON of attention with it!
Comment by Rene — September 14, 2007 @ 7:26 pm
[...] we were at the iRenew Expo, we had several people tell us that we MUST go to Fairfield on the tour…so we adjusted our [...]
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