βThe road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.β – D. Williams Jr.
One of the most commonly asked questions on the tour has been “What are you going to do next?!”. We set out on this adventure exactly one year ago with the intention of trying out this vagabond lifestyle for the year and then reassessing our goals. We are happy to say that we’ve accomplished everything we set out to do! We traveled to faraway and delightful places, we met new friends (who will now be lifelong friends!), we educated others about sustainable living, and we spread the love of Jesus. All of that excitement has left us longing for MORE of the same! So, instead of settling down…we have decided to continue our journey indefinitely! We’ve enjoy the “mobile life” so much, that we wanted to make ourselves more permanently mobile. With that in mind, we’ve made a few changes.
The first change is that we have moved into a new home! Another home on wheels of course.
We had been looking for a new RV for about 6 months, and found the perfect one for us in Burlington, WA when we were traveling through to Vancouver. It’s a little longer, a little wider, and has a few nice features that will make full-time life on the road easier. As I type this, we are in Eugene, Oregon having the veggie conversion done at Green Eye Auto. They are a fantastic company and we have been really happy with their service. If you are looking to get a veggie conversion done on the West Coast, be sure to give Clark a call! They also have an abundance of cool diesel (veggie-oil ready!) vehicles too. We’ll be headed to Bozeman, MT next to do the remodel on the inside. I’ll be doing an entire post telling (and showing photos of course) about the new RV near the end of July.
Our beloved “blue beast” has served us well…it was really hard to say goodbye to it! Moving out and saying goodbye was so bittersweet. Before I walked out for the last time, I paused to think about all of the memories made in that space…so many amazing people and intriguing conversations, the late nights spent blogging and sipping tea, delicious meals shared, and oh the sights we saw! It was a wonderful home…I was unable to hold the tears back! Bella was quick to point that out with her adorable comments. “Mommy…are those TEARS?!!?” and “Mommy…why are you sad?!”. We had some good talks about how you can be happy and sad at the very same time.
Luckily, we won’t have to say goodbye for good…the original Live Lightly Tour bus will “live on”! We have sold it to Jeff and Kim (you met them in yesterday’s post about Plano, TX) and they will be JOINING the Live Lightly Tour…starting their own adventure in early 2009. They will be doing a separate tour…doing demos around the country and using the RV as a tool to bring awareness to social issues. I asked Jeff and Kim to give me an overview of their mission and what they are all about so I could share it with you:
Hi! We’d like to introduce ourselves…we are Jeff and Kim Harrison. Our 3 yr old son Parks will also be joining us on our new adventure! Born and raised in West Monroe, Louisiana, we ventured out to Boulder, CO six years ago to live and play in one of the most beautiful places in the U.S. Living in Colorado taught us to pay even more attention to our environment then we had ever done before and we want to take that knowledge and our passions of travel and meeting new folks out on the road, spreading some Live Lightly Love!
We had the amazing opportunity to meet up with Sara, Matt, and Bella while in Plano, TX where we currently reside. We had already felt the tug of our own hearts to hit the road and set out on a tour that would mirror some of their accomplishments. When they gave us the chance to become part of the Live Lightly Tour and share many of our same passions, we realized that it was no mistake that we had crossed paths. Our dreams were now given some wings to fly!
Our goal for the this tour is to encourage people to make simple choices for both their environment and their communities. By lightening our footprint on our earth, we would like to share some ideas for people to do the same in their own lives.We in turn want to continue to educate ourselves about organic farming, gleaning, and of course hopefully enjoy some great music along the way! We also desire to shed some light on organizations across the country who are sharing their own love to help others.
There are simple things we can all do make a positive difference, and we will live purposely to share that truth.
Our plans at the present time involve getting the RV home to Plano, TX and just doing some small projects to make this very cool bus our own. We’ll be donating and selling more of our belongings with the goal of moving into the bus around August of this year. Our desires are to keep our current full-time jobs through December 2008, and with Parks still in preschool, live in a local RV park here in Plano. This will enable us to schedule our route, make contacts,be with our families during the holidays, and develop our plans to hopefully hit the road Jan 2009. We HOPE to be doing some local demo’s here in the south throughout the fall, aiming to stay in the southern region on the first full-time leg of the tour, then moving farther north throughout the spring, summer, and fall. We will most likely begin in Florida, moving our way West, through New Orleans, across Texas, and of course passing through Colorado, aiming for Portland and Seattle. We also will plan to do an East coast leg as well because Nashville,TN, New York and the Carolinas won’t be missed!
Our paths will certainly intersect with the Janssen family while we are on the road…we plan to meet up with them to celebrate the Tour of ’09 and regain some much needed inspiration!
-Jeff, Kim, and Parks
We are so excited to welcome the Harrison family to the tour! They are a perfect fit and God has had his hand in this process from the beginning. There have been so many little details over the last couple of months that have worked out exactly how they needed to for everything to happen. Jeff will be flying into Seattle tomorrow to pick up the RV and will meet up with us in Burbank, WA so we can give him an “RV 101″ class before he drives it all the way back down to Plano, Texas.
The website will, of course, remain…but will undergo a few minor changes…adding their blog, etc. Those changes will take place over the next couple of months. Basically, The Live Lightly Tour will now have two families traveling and spreading the love instead of one. Double the fun!
As for our immediate plans…our schedule on the Route page is still accurate. Our last booked demo was in Vancouver, BC…but we will still be available for bookings in the Midwest. We will be focusing on catching up on blogs and photos from the West Coast and relaxing throughout the rest of the summer and will be with Matt’s family in Montana and Minnesota and my family in Iowa. We’ll head out to Colorado in the fall…we’ve been contacted by several different groups to speak, so if you’re out that way, watch the Route page! My sister is getting married in October in Minneapolis…and after that, our life is an open book! Another journey begins! We are planning on heading south during the winter months and then will be back to the Midwest in the summertime. We’d like to settle into a routine of 6 months traveling, 6 months parked (near family). We will continue doing demos, although the schedule will not be as intense as this year! And of course, we’ll be swinging in to say hello to all of our new friends around the country.
Thanks for hanging in there with us through all of these transitions….please bear with me as I get everything uploaded and blogged from this last leg of the tour. I hope that you’ll understand now that you know all the craziness that has been going on! To tide you over…here is the San Diego photo set that I just uploaded.
I am also excited to announce that I will be working on an eBook in the next 3-4 months that will go into greater detail about our everyday life on the road, traveling on veggie oil, and also how YOU can travel too Stay tuned!
Wow! Such exciting things happening for the Live Lightly crew. Best of luck!
Comment by Andrea Q — June 26, 2008 @ 1:40 am
Congratulations! I am so excited to see the new bus and a little sad to see the old one cleared out. It’s thrilling to think of both families touring the country spreading such good messages! I can’t wait to hear more. Blessings to all of you!
Comment by Kari M. — June 26, 2008 @ 5:04 am
yay! how great! i hope you make it back through michigan again.
Comment by kristin — June 26, 2008 @ 6:26 am
Kim is one of my best friends. I am excited that they are going to join your team. They have a special way of motivating people to take care of this place in which we live temporarily until we’ll one day be with our King. They are so excited about living the dream.
Comment by Leigh-Ann Cascio — June 26, 2008 @ 7:26 am
Hello! It sounds so exciting to be continuing your journey and to add a new family to the mission. It is amazing to see God’s role in it all too.
I just wanted to tell you that when I started reading your blog a couple of months ago, you stirred up an intrest in my heart to start reading the bible again (or rather God used you as an instrument that I would listen to), so I am on my third book in the Bible and I am enjoying it. I have never actually read much of it before, so now I am committed to seeing all it has to say.
I was wondering if you could recommend any good Christian musicians that you enjoy?
Also, I live in the Midwest and there are a few colleges in my town. If you were interested I could do the legwork to see if I could get you all set up with a demonstation on one of the campuses in Northern Indiana.
It sounds like you are super busy tying up the end of your tour, but you can keep it in mind for the next leg of your journey.
Comment by sara — June 26, 2008 @ 7:30 am
WOW!!! How stinkin exciting!!!! What a thrill ride!
I love it… canNOT wait to read more!
Comment by Liz — June 26, 2008 @ 7:53 am
Sara this is so exciting!!!! I was just wondering what you all were planning to do, since the year of traveling was almost up. I am so glad that you are spreadin’ the love-the love of Jesus and the love of just living a true, authentic life. Blessings!
Comment by Nichole — June 26, 2008 @ 8:04 am
This is so cool!! I love it!!!! What an exciting chapter in your life. We are praying for you guys. love.love.love.
Comment by angela — June 26, 2008 @ 8:52 am
Oh you guys, how totally cool. So happy to hear all of this.
I know what you mean though, once you start traveling, it’s hard to stop. Jim and I feel the same way.
Now that you’re going to slow down a little, let’s try to hook up again. We’ll be in CO until the end of September.
Oh yeah, one more thing; have you copyrighted the Live Lightly Tour yet? Just a thought.
Congrats on the new rig and upcoming adventures!
Comment by Rene — June 26, 2008 @ 9:00 am
What I find neat about your lifestyle is that you’re doing the whole “retirement thing” now, when you’re still young (and agile and healthy, etc.), instead of when your life is slowing down in your 60′s or 70′s. What will you be doing when you’re that age, I wonder? In an office working 9:00 to 5:00? Just kidding!
What a great experience for all of you. I look forward to reading about your continued adventures.
Comment by Barb — June 26, 2008 @ 2:47 pm
I wanted to clarify my comment (above). When I said you were doing the whole “retirement thing”, I meant the full-time RV life. I didn’t mean you don’t work. It’s obvious that you both work very hard to maintain your lifestyle. Hats off to you!
Comment by Barb — June 26, 2008 @ 2:49 pm
Wow! I am so excited for you and the new family! Two families on the road at the same time is awesome
I check everyday for something to new to read about you guys and today (and yesterday) I got something new and fresh! So happy for you–
Can’t wait to see your route next year. Maybe you can make it through “our neck of the woods” again. This time with a demo maybe–or not–relaxin’ is just fine too sometimes
Comment by Jenn — June 26, 2008 @ 3:21 pm
This is so awesome!! I absolutely LOVE it! Also just selfishly loving that your new RV could be parked in our driveway again!! ANYTIME!!! That goes as well for the new family too!
Comment by Andrea — June 26, 2008 @ 3:48 pm
The e-book…what a fabulous idea, Sara. I’ll be looking forward to reading it, of course.
Comment by Andrea — June 26, 2008 @ 3:49 pm
You guys are just the cutest ever! As long as I get to see you sometime in the near future I’m happy for you! Can’t wait to see what you do to the inside of this RV!!!
Comment by Kristin — June 26, 2008 @ 4:18 pm
[...] :: A post today from the Live Lightly Tour that their journey will be continuing, and that they are adding another family to the tour! [...]
Pingback by Ten Things « The Misadventures of Kelly and Kelly — June 26, 2008 @ 8:44 pm
Oh that is exciting news! I am really happy for you that you can continue living as you are. And all the best to the new couple as well!
I can’t wait to hear all your stories…
…and really, you should consider coming to Europe!…
Annemarie (holland)
Comment by annemarie — June 27, 2008 @ 12:27 pm
Wow, lots of exciting changes are ahead for you! We look forward to following the the Harrison’s journey. It looks like we might cross paths sometime in July. We are heading home to MN for vacation and will be passing through Bozeman on the 18th and heading east. We’ll make sure to flag you down if we see you, haha. Enjoy your time with family and can’t wait to follow you on the next leg of your life journey. Oh, we are still LOVING the green smoothies!
Comment by Kathi — June 27, 2008 @ 3:07 pm
I have tears in my eyes. You are so inspiring, so clear (raw food!), so focused, & passionate. Many Blessings!
Comment by Ko-Shin — June 28, 2008 @ 2:03 pm
How awesome! I am totally addicted to your blog and have posted a couple times on my blog about your blog and your travels! If you are ever back in Virginia we’d love to meet y’all!
Comment by Laura — June 29, 2008 @ 11:55 am
How exciting!
Comment by Emily — June 29, 2008 @ 3:04 pm
I so hope you will continue keeping updates on your life!! It has been SO fun to travel along with you. Hubby and I may yet join the RV lifestyle…the working kind!! We have certainly considered it!! Thanks for sharing!!
Comment by Elizabeth — June 29, 2008 @ 3:57 pm
I am excited about all the new changes! I am also excited about an ebook, as my husband and I have been talking about doing something like this as well.
God’s blessings!
Comment by Mrs. Gunning — June 30, 2008 @ 5:31 pm