We “met” Joe and Laura Cebulski online a few months ago…after they decided to convert their truck to veggie oil and remodel a camper, they contacted us for ideas. They had big plans to pull a 5th wheel to California and live in it for a year while Joe trained for the Olympic trials (in the decathlon). Well, their plans quickly became reality…they sold everything (including their house), said goodbye to friends in Arkansas and began their adventure. They just “happened” to be in Grand Rapids at the same time we were this week! What a blessing…we thought we wouldn’t be able to see them until California. Joe and Laura both grew up in GR and came back to remodel the RV and spend time with family before heading west. They also have a beautiful and charming daughter, Rowan, who is 2.5 years old.
On Sunday, after Mars Hill…we headed over to Laura’s family’s home for a delicious lunch. Her sister, Jen is a vegan and made me some delicious tempeh! Yum. We chatted with her parents on the deck and ate…while Rowan and Bella chased the dogs and ran around the yard. After that, we headed to a park for their “kick-off/goodbye party” and met many of their friends and family. We played for hours and hours in the park….such fun on a lovely day.
The next afternoon, we had planned on going to the zoo with them…but got rained out and headed to the Four Friends Coffeehouse in downtown Grand Rapids. We talked of many things…Matt and Joe about veggie oil and Laura and I about RV life, kids, and photography. After that we walked around a bit more and took in some sites. Grand Rapids just opened a “green” art museum! Very fun. We also went to the Fish Ladder park where we watched salmon and HUGE carp swimming around and jumping “up stream”…the girls loved it!
It’s always so hard to leave the new friends we have been making on our trip…but it was especially hard to leave them because we have so much in common. We are SO EXCITED to reunite with them next spring in California!
See photos of their open house and remodeled RV here (it’s sooooo cool!).
See photos that Joe and Laura took of our time in Grand Rapids here.
See my photo album of our time here.
See the Cebulski blog here.
Sara, Matt, and Bella, it was beautiful to meet you and get inspired by your dreams and ideas–thanks for sharing your visions with us and helping us get ready for this new RV lifestyle. You help us all see that anything is possible!
Comment by Laura — October 3, 2007 @ 8:09 am
Oh very cool Joe and Laura! What a time of your lives. Enjoy the trip, and California,a and good luck!
Comment by Rene — October 4, 2007 @ 12:23 pm
hey! i miss you guys so much! hope to see you soon. the rv is really kool!!
Comment by saraya — April 2, 2008 @ 9:29 am