Overall, our RV is in GREAT condition for it’s age (1994). But, because this is going to be our HOME…we wanted to make it our own. Our goal is to make cosmetic changes to the interior of the RV using earth-friendly materials, so that when you tour our RV, you’ll be able to see different “green” options for your OWN home.
There is a fabulous sustainable building center in Bozeman called Refuge. After talking to them about our tour, they generously donated all of the paint we needed (low-VOC, non-toxic), and also some beautiful bamboo flooring for the entire RV. A HUGE thanks to Dave, Dan, and Mary for taking time to help us with this project. They are a great asset to the community! I’ll be posting more info about the paint, flooring, etc. in a future blog…stay tuned!
You can see ongoing photos of the renovations here. We’ve ripped out all of the existing flooring, repaired water damage in the floor, repaired the tub, modified cupboards, painted everything, and will be putting in new flooring and window coverings next. We hope to have most of it completed sometime next week. We’re excited to finally MOVE IN to the RV!
You guys are so very ambitious! Far more than we are when it comes to this kind of thing. Would like to know how you’re finding places like Refuge when you go into towns. Word of mouth? Online?
Comment by Rene — July 8, 2007 @ 2:50 pm
We live in Bozeman…and have been to Refuge many times before this. We really wanted to support and give credit to local business owners first.
Yes…we’re feeling a little overly ambitious right now…but the painting is all coming together finally. Let’s just say painting the inside of an RV is much, much more difficult than painting the living room of your house!
Comment by livelightly — July 8, 2007 @ 3:05 pm
I’m glad you posted pictures of the interior – i’m excited to see it all finished! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and just wanted to tell you how inspirational you are to me.
It’s awesome that you are on fire for God *and* the environment (His creation!).
I always get ideas from you…and loooove how you decorate – so keep up the posting
Comment by Desiree — July 8, 2007 @ 7:29 pm
What are you going to do with your lovely apartment while you are away? Best of luck to you on your travels. Keep on keeping on.
Comment by elle — July 9, 2007 @ 12:16 pm
What would I do if you didn’t post before, during and after pics?! So excited to see the changes as they occur. Thanks for sharing your love of life with the rest of us!
Comment by Kristin Mayo — July 9, 2007 @ 3:02 pm
How exciting. Glad things are coming together for you!!
Comment by Erica — July 9, 2007 @ 5:58 pm
Oh wow! How exciting for you all!!!! How will you fit all of Bella’s toys and play kitchen in the RV?
Comment by Haley — July 9, 2007 @ 8:49 pm